Wismar Day 11
I find the doctors here to be very good. OA HA ist really good! Everything seems so easy for him… I guess he’s been working for many years now and he’s got a lot of experience… but I think it takes more than that. It takes talent. And he’s got it.
He’s so patient to all Assistenzärztinnen; and even to me. He used to work as a general surgeon. Perhaps that’s why he’s so good now. Makes me wonder… should I actually consider a couple of years on a Surgery Department? Would that help? I love Gyn, but if a little surgery would do no harm… I’ll dwell on it.
I’m actually a bit sad. Not everything runs so smoothly around here. Some think I don’t speak any German, but I just keep to myself, cause I’m shy and… if I don’t have anything clever to say… why would I speak at all??
I’d really love to help more around the clinic, but I am just a Hospitantin. No Assistenzärztin. Still…. I’m just happy to be here. In Germany.
I met a new (well… she’s new to me) doctor today FÄ – VL. She seems pretty cool, but she didn’t talk to me. Perhaps she was too busy. AÄ MG said that I spoke good German. And that she’d show me stuff around the clinic. Yaaay!! I just hope she’ll keep her word.
I tried something new today:
Gudbrandsdalen caramel-cheese – to die for!!
You just don’t argue anymore…:)