Day 17 – Wednesday
Today was an extra long day. We all stayed at school until 3 p.m.
You know some colleagues already know me and they’re starting to like me. That’s really interesting and new for me… and I’m not only talking about the other candidates from Certa. Some write to me at night asking hey, how did you write that, what do you think about this case or about that one, blah blah blah. I am aware of the fact that some are only using me for my notes. But they are polite and funny. And I enjoy helping anyone if I can.
I was the patient today. My doctor was a bit far away and she couldn’t hear all my medical history too well, so after after school she phoned me: “Hey C, could you tell me what your medical history was? The teacher was really paying attention to me and I didn’t dare ask the same questions one more time. Could you help me?” “Of course, S. No worries!” S. is a super kind lady from Iraq. She’s 35 years old, she came here with her two children and her husband, so she’s pretty busy the whole day. She asked if we could train together later tonight. Of course we can!!! There are so many nice people at school…
After being the patient, I was the OÄ. One colleague said I was really mean. But the teacher was pleased with my questions. He actually wrote them down saying, as always “so gut ja, nur zum Lernen ja ja schön ja.” but I know that he has mood swings. I am always ready for the kick back.
During these weeks I have noticed that those who speak too much and constantly interrupt the other colleagues slowly become isolated from the group. No one likes someone who has too good an opinion about themselves. Haha… By the way… Last night one of the colleagues phoned me (another super cool guy, he’s from Peru): “C, could you send me the Patientenvorstellung?” I sent him one photo from my notebook. He said: “C, no, the other one.” So I sent him another photo. He replied desperately: “C, I know it’s late for you, but please just send me the right photo already!!!”. Me: “J, sorry I’m just simply stupid, you know. Is this the right one?” J: “Yes finally. Hey, so do you know those jokes about blondes?” Me: “Yeah yeah, I know, I’m one of them.” And we both laughed. Point is: Don’t take yourself too seriously and try not to be so sensitive.
J. Just called me once more. He said he wanted the diagnosis for the clinical cases from today ))) He was so surprised I actually answered in Spanish )))
And now the prices that I promised (Rewe):
Pretzel 0,29 EUR, Bun 0,14-0,30 EUR, Loaf of bread (fresh) 1.39-1.90 EUR
Apples 2.49 / kg, Bananas 1.49/kg, Tomatoes 1,30-2/Pack, Cucumbers 0,89/kg, Potatoes 1,29/kg
Milk 1,05/1L
Salami/Wurst about 1,30 euro, chicken thigh about 6,00 EUR/kg, pork 5.90/ kg
Water 1.5 L (Ja!) – 0.19 Euro
Cola Zero 1 L – 0.99 Euro
That’s all folks! Bis morgen!