Day 4 – Thursday
I was so sleepy today. That doesn’t happen very often. I drink way too much coffee and Coke… hmm perhaps I’m coming down with something… I hope not.
The teacher said: “You were the patient yesterday, isn’t it?” I just nodded. “You’re the doctor today.” My pleasure! <3
Ok, so I’m sure he noticed how shy I am. He studies me and knows that everytime I look straight at him, it’s because I want to speak or start the new exercise etc. I find that actually cool, the guy knows his pedagogy.
Today I went on yet another walk, but I’m getting disappointed in this. Nobody wants to visit restaurants with me. I’d honestly just go on my own… but my nice colleague wants to take a walk. Yeah… my stomach would love some Turkish or Greek food today. But I guess German is more important than that. After all, I’m here to study, then eat.